Friday, September 25, 2015

Some SCW Moroccans painted

Here you have the full set of SCW Moroccans we've been releasing lately, once superbly painted by José A. Bustamante and depicted altogether:
Wish you like them!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

SCW Basic Painting Guide 02: Nationalist Army

SCW Painting Guide 2
It's already available our 2nd SCW Painting Guide, this one devoted to the Nationalist Army. It can be downloaded from the Other Stuff/Rules & Books/Free Downloads section of website, or just by clicking on the image above. Be aware though that, if the original file were updated in a future, then this link might become no longer valid, so that you'd have to go for our website anyway.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Joining the Militia

POUM militia
Our sculptor Xan has kindly drawn some sketches on our forthcoming 20mm miniatures set, devoted to Spanish Civil War militias. Such drawings reflect quite faithfully our original conception, that mused around an 18-figure extended set - with a composition similar to the militiawomen one.
20GEF012 concept

Thus, our upcoming set will comprise 12 riflemen, a Colt Browning M1895 MG along with its 2-man team, two officers or commissars and a standard bearer, all them showing unique poses. Are you ready for joining them?
20GEF012 concept
20GEF012 xoncept

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

New 1937 Chevrolet Truck at 1/72

20GEV018 box
We are happy to show our SCW latest release at 1/72nd scale: the ubiquitous 1937 Chevrolet 1.5 ton Truck. Produced at several factories all around Europe --one of them, located in Barcelona--, this light truck saw intensive action not just in SCW but also during WWII, either in Axis or Allied hands.
20GEV018 parts
As it can be seen through the picture above, this our new model kit consists of just 14 parts and is made of resin mostly, with a few pieces in hard plastic (fore wheels) and white metal (bumper). Kit includes an also resin SCW driver.

It's already available at website, and hopefully soon from our main retailers and distributors too.

Monday, September 14, 2015

SCW Basic Painting Guide 01: Republican Army

SCW Painting Guide 1
After some user requests about the painting schemas at our figure boxes reverse (some of which are seemingly controversial), and after a little thinking around the issue, I've finally taken the decision to publish a SCW Basic Painting Guides series, that will be given PDF format and will show as a single sheet plate, just as that one you can see above.

I'm not pretending to present you any comprehensive, scholarly treaty on Pantone ranges applied to SCW. Instead, the idea behind is to show users a handful of options, so that everyone can choose the color combinations matching each one's own tastes, painting method or paints availability. Hope this initiative becomes helpful to you all.

Our SCW Basic Painting Guides will be Free PDF Download. The first one, devoted to the Republican Army, is already available right now at Other Stuff/Rules & Books/Free Downloads section of website. For getting it, one has just to add it to his/her cart, like any other item (only that this one is completely free, of course!). At the end of checkout process, you'll be shown the link to download file.

Otherwise, if wishing to avoid such bureaucracy, you can simply download it by clicking on the image above. Be aware though that, if the original file were updated in a future, then this link might become no longer valid, so that you'd have to go for our website.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Stands, Magnets and Trays

It's time for one step forward - so we've ventured into a partnership with the recently born Valencian brand known as Caliga Accesorios, so as to retail their wide (and ever growing!) range of PVC plastic stands, movement trays and base magnets --and hopefully to distribute them abroad too.
Their current ranges include round, elliptic, hexagonal, square and rectangular bases ranging from 15 to 120mm size, always made of 2mm thick white PVC plastic, as well as matching magnets made of flexible, autoadhesive magnetic sheet 0.75mm thick, and movement trays (either rectangular or "warband" style) for the most common wargaming rulesets.

While awaiting first orders to come in, we've already started introducing this new range in our Website (Other Stuff/Accessories Section). In the next few days we'll have it all inside. Please take a little patience with us!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Renault TSF Tank available

Accordingly to our expectations, it is now available our second Interwar range AFV at 1/72 scale - the Renault TSF command tank. One of these tanks was purchased to France by Spain, to be used as company command vehicle in the Rif War.
Model itself is quite simple, for it essentially consists of four hard plastic parts gently provided by HäT, complemented by four parts else in resin, these latter reproducing this version's fixed casemate. Set is completed by a decals sheet with markings for SCW Basque and Communist, both WWs French and VBCW Anglican League service.
Our new kit has been given reference 20IGV004 and can be purchased in our website at €10.95.