Friday, December 22, 2023

English and British Naval flags

One last release before Christmas: three new 1:600 scale Age of Sail flag sets devoted to English and British ships along three different periods of History - with one set devoted to English traders prior to the Union Act with Scotland (1707), a second one devoted to the British East India Company between 1707 and 1801 and, lastly, a third one showing the Red Ensign from 1801 onwards.

BTW, this latter ensign was shared by merchant ships and Royal Navy's Red Squadron until 1864, when it was decreed its exclusive use by civil vessels - thus becoming the White Ensign a Royal Navy's exclusive and only flag. Such is the arrangement still in force as per today.

Happy Christmas to you all!

Sunday, December 10, 2023

WSS Seville Inf. Reg. flags


I'm pleased to share a new addition to our War of Spanish Succession ranges at 1:100, 1:72 and 1:56 scales altogether. This consists of the flags of a further Two Crowns' Spanish unit: Seville I.R., prior to 1707 known as Tercio de Madrid or Colorados Viejos.


Along with the flags, I've also released a small PDF guide on the subject for free download, as usual.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

1/600 Japanese Atakebune


I'm pleased to share our latest 1:600 scale Age of Sail ship model release. Now it's been the turn for a Japanese warship from the Sengoku Jidai and early Edo periods - the fearsome Atakebune (安宅船). Conceived as floating fortresses, atakebunes were primarily used as formidable boarding platforms, with little ordnance on board - generally four cannons, or six at most.


As for the model itself, it consists of a high quality cast resin hull completed by a set of seven 3D-printed alternative parts - oars sets, a couple of masts with unfurled sails, a laid down mast and two alternative on-deck housings. The kit is complemented by a flag sheet comprising a number of Tokugawa shogunate flags - that can also be purchased separately.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Legionaries preview


Minairons miniatures' Spanish Civil War 20mm figure range has been finally resumed!

The first set we're approaching consists of 15 Foreign Legion figures in box; a first half of which are in an advanced sculpting stage already, as it can be seen by the picture above. This first handful of figures depicts two NCOs sporting SMGs and five riflemen in various fighting poses.

For this range to relaunch it has been required to find a capable and willing sculptor - the same one who already created our WSS range - replacing our previous sculptor, Xan Bautista. Due to this, some minor style differences can be expected, although we're committed to keep the highest internal consistence possible.

As a proof of this, here below you can see the upcoming sculpts compared to a couple of already existing Moroccan Regulars:


Hope you like the new sculpts!

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Upcoming 1:600 Atakebune video

I've thought that some among you would like to know how our upcoming Atakebune builds, and what it looks like once painted. In this YouTube video below, you can watch how Minis, My Way author deals with it!

Our Atakebune model is close to a deadline now - next month, hopefully!

Monday, October 9, 2023

Upcoming Lancia-Ansaldo IZM


As perhaps some of you have already noticed when visiting Minairons' website, it is currently closed for a short vacation until next October 20th.

While in holidays, I've thought that you would like to know that we're about to launch a new 1:72nd scale fighting vehicle suitable not just for SCW, but for both World Wars as well - besides of a number of Interwar settings: the Lancia-Ansaldo IZM armoured car! This new model kit will become fully available just at our holidays end - by October 20th!


Model itself is mostly resin cast, as you can see in the photo above, complemented by a few 3D printed accessories. It all makes a total of no more than 14 parts.


This one sample has been masterly painted by Salva Rosselló from Pincel y Masilla studio. Don't miss his superb artwork!

Friday, September 29, 2023

New 1800s Naval Flags


I'm happy to share a few just released 19th century naval flags sets in 1:600th scale, those of today devoted to the 1821-1822 Greek Revolution and the Ottoman Navy of that period.


A third set, devoted to 17th and 18th centuries Ottoman traders, was scheduled for release now too - but its printing has experienced a little delay, so I don't have this available right now yet. However, it can already be pre-ordered from our website anyway.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

15% de descompte Reus 2023

Reus 2023

Els propers dies 7 i 8 d'Octubre es celebren les XXX Jornades de Rol i Estratègia que organitza l'Associació de Jugadors i Jugadores de Rol de Reus i, naturalment, Minairons Miniatures hi donarà el seu suport en tant que patrocinador, com ja va essent habitual.

Malauradament, enguany no podré muntar-hi cap paradeta degut a problemes logístics. Per tal de mitigar aquesta mancança, ofereixo a tots els assistents la possibilitat d'adquirir productes de Minairons directament al nostre web, gaudint l'habitual descompte del 15% i sense despeses de tramesa - en el benentès que la comanda serà recollida a l'estatge de La Palma, el diumenge 8 d'Octubre - que és quan hi podré assistir.

El procediment a seguir és el mateix que l'any passat:

1) Quan hàgiu finalitzat la compra i vulgueu fer-ne el checkout, introduïu el codi promocional "REUS2023" a la casella inferior dreta de la pantalla i premeu el botó "afegir" (fletxa vermella a la imatge següent):

Veureu que immediatament després hom us hi aplicarà el 15% de descompte de forma automàtica (veure a la imatge següent l'abans i el després).

Reus 2022

Més endavant del procés de checkout, no escolliu tramesa per "Correos" sinó per "Minairons HQ" (cercle vermell a la imatge següent), i això us eliminarà automàticament les despeses de tramesa.

Reus 2022

Aquest descompte és només vàlid fins el 6 d'Octubre a mitjanit.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

SCW Republican Cavalry standards


We've just retaken our SCW flags ranges, which were admittedly neglected for a while now, with the addition of a new set in 1:100th, 1:72nd and 1:56th scales altogether - this time devoted to some Republican Cavalry squadrons, as you can see by the picture above. More of these are coming in the next months!

Thursday, September 14, 2023

New Loire 46 fighter


French made Loire 46 fighter is the latest addition to our Spanish Civil War 1:144 scale aircraft collection. Just as usual lately, our Loire 46 model is born thanks to the co-operation with Plane Printer designer via Patreon; it is a single piece DLP 3D-printed miniature, so requiring no assembly at all.


Friday, August 25, 2023

WSS Castelar Inf. Reg. flags


I've just made available another set of War of Spanish Succession flags, in 1:100th, 1:72nd and 1:56th scales altogether as usual. Their subject is another jacobite Irish unit in Bourbon Spanish service - the Castelar Infantry Regiment, better known surely by its later name of Hibernia (this meaning "Ireland" in Latin).

More WSS flag sets coming soon!

Friday, August 18, 2023

New 1:144 Junkers Ju-87 A


Here it comes the "Stuka"! The "A" version of this iconic warbird is now available on Minairons website. Just as previous models in this range, our Ju-87 A is born thanks to the co-operation with Plane Printer designer via Patreon, consisting of a single piece DLP 3D-printed miniature, so requiring no assembly at all.


More SCW and WWII aircraft models coming soon!

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Barcelona's St. Eulalia Standard


We are proud to share our latest product in the War of Spanish Succession flags ranges, in all scales. This is the Saint Eulalia's flag of Barcelona town - its most outstanding symbol since 16th century at least, until its final demise in September 11th 1714. There were two variant of this emblem: the "flag" itself, large and square shaped, flown mainly in ceremonial events or outstanding days; and the "pennant" or battleflag, out of a lighter fabric. Its WSS version was rectangular in shape, but older versions seem to have been triangular and showing not St. Eulalia herself, but her allegoric yellow saltire instead.


Besides of the 1:100th, 1:72nd and 1:56th versions of this flag, we have also released a 1:144th scale sheet containing not just this latter, but the flags of two Catalan regiments as well.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

1:72 Mercier tank


Right after the release of ResinLab's 1:35th scale Mercier tank, here it comes now its 1:72nd scale version under Minairons ownership.


Model itself is even simpler to build than its larger sister, because it consists of just five parts - main hull, both tracks as well as MGs (which don't show at the image above, BTW). The larger parts are resin cast while the smaller ones are hard plastic.

Friday, June 9, 2023

1:35 Mercier tank


Our partner company ResinLab (which is the brand our usual resin caster is behind) has recently released a new 1:35th scale Spanish Civil War AFV - the rare, ill-known Mercier tank, also sometimes known as Aragon tank - and we at Minairons are going to stock it on a permanent basis,


Model itself is quite easy to build, because it consists of just seven pieces - main hull, both tracks, hatchets and MGs. The larger parts are resin cast while the smaller ones are 3D printed.

A 1:72nd version of it is also coming soon.

Friday, June 2, 2023

1:100 Chevrolet truck


I'm happy to share our latest SCW model kit - the 1937 Chevrolet 1.5 ton truck, now in 1:100th scale!


Model itself consists of three DLP 3D-printed parts comprising main hull, cabin roof and optional canvas top, complemented by two hard plastic fore wheels. Some assembly is still required, then.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Japanese warship preview


Minairons' upcoming Age of Sail model kit will be the Atakebune, a fearsome Japanese warship widely used during the convulse Sengoku Jidai and early Edo periods. Atakebunes can be considered floating fortresses rather than true, seaworthy warships, so they were used mainly in coastal actions. Although provided with sails, they were actually powered by oars in combat - and we're going to foresee both propulsion methods, as it can be seen below.


Model itself will consist of a hull main part, which is going to be resin cast, complemented by a number of optional accessories such as two alternative deck housings, both sitting and standing masts, and two oar rows. This will allow eventual users to personalize to taste their ships, as well as giving to them either a seafaring or fighting configuration.


For instance, here you have two alternative propulsion configurations using the same on-deck housing.


We expect to release the Atakebune at some point this Summer.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

New Schneider 70/16 Mountain Gun


I've just released a new artillery piece for 1:72nd scale Spanish Civil War gaming - the ubiquitous Schneider 70/16 mountain gun. Despite its obsolescence by the outbreak of war, this light gun was intensively used by both sides on virtually all fronts.


Gun model itself is quite simple actually, for it consists of just three parts, as it can be seen in the picture above - thanks to being produced as a DLP 3D-printed model kit, so requiring very little assembly.

Monday, May 8, 2023

1:144 Messerschmitt Me-262


I'm pleased to share a further 1:144th scale aircraft model release; now the iconic Messerschmitt Me-262, the world's first operational jet-powered fighter aircraft.


Just as previous models in this range, our Me-262 is born thanks to the co-operation with Plane Printer designer via Patreon. It retails in box as a single piece DLP 3D-printed miniature, so requiring no assembly at all. Here's where it can be found: Minairons website's Me-262 page.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Ancien Régime to Empire: French ensigns

I'm pleased to share a new bunch of naval flags in 1:600th scale - this time, devoted to France and their evolution from Louis XIV period to the 1st Empire.

The new sheets comprise ensigns for 17th-18th centuries merchant ships, for an early Revolutionary man-of-war and lastly the flag set of French Navy between 1794 and 1815.

Friday, April 14, 2023

1:100 Ford AA pickup van


It is available now the 1:100th scale version of our Ford AA pickup van, as a DLP 3D-printed model.


This new version is even simpler than its 1:72nd scale counterpart, because it consists of just 2 parts - main body and cab roof.

Edited as of 19/06/2024: even simpler now, for it requires no assembly at all! Printed in one single part.

Friday, April 7, 2023

WSS Brabant I.R. flags & guide


Our War of Spanish Succession infantry flag set ranges keep expanding at a steady pace - at all scales altogether. We've added to collection now the flags of a further Two Crowns' Spanish unit: Brabant I.R., another senior regiment in the Spanish Army of that time.

Along with the individual Brabant I.R. sheets in 1:100th, 1:72nd and 1:56th that you can see in the photo above, we've also released a 3-unit flag sheet in 1:144th scale too, that contains the colours of Brabant, Castile and Jaen Infantry Regiments altogether.


Along with the flags, I've also released a PDF guide on the subject for free download, as usual.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

New WSS Spanish Infantry


I'm delighted to share with you a new release of War of the Spanish Succession 1/72nd scale white metal figures, now devoted to Bourbon Spanish Infantry of the Line. It consists of three main sets: musketeers, command group and grenadiers.


Each set comprises four different figures, as it can be seen in pictures.


Besides, flag bearers can be purchased separately - for those willing to assign more than just one flag bearer to their battalions.


Worth to be noted that, unlike what you can see in the pictures above, the flag bearer actually carries just the flag pole – paper flags can also be purchased separately.

Our range of WSS figures is fully compatible with the plastic ones from Zvezda. They are already available on our website.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

1:144 Curtiss P-36 'Hawk'


I'm happy to share our latest 1:144th scale aircraft model release; today it's the ubiquitous fighter Curtiss P-36 'Hawk', also known outside the US as Model 75 'Mohawk'. Just as previous models in this range, our 'Hawk' is born thanks to the co-operation with Plane Printer designer via Patreon. It retails in box as a single piece DLP 3D-printed miniature, so requiring no assembly at all. Box reverse includes a brief painting guideline for French service.


Thursday, March 2, 2023

1:72 Ford AA pickup van


I'm delighted to announce the release of a brand new 1:72nd scale civilian vehicle - Ford AA pickup van. This new model is entirely 3D printed, and it comes boxed in just 5 parts - chassis, cab roof, bed and wheel axles, as it can be seen below.


Also, the 1:100th scale version of this model is pretty close to deadline now; we expect to release it too in the next few weeks.