Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Citroën saloon, now in 1:100 scale

The 1:100th scale version of Citroën C14 saloon car is already here. Unlike its larger 1:72nd scale sister, this one comes as a single piece, so requiring no assembly at all.

This new civilian vehicle has a few variants depending on spare tyres location and presence of fog lights, supplied at random.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Foreign Legion is here!

Minairons' 20mm Legionaries are already here! We're just expecting the box art to be completed. The job is in hands of Mar H. Pongiluppi, who has been behind our figure sets box art all these years. Despite quite busier now than before, because she's become director of an Art School, she gladly volunteered to design our Foreign Legion graphic art. I beg you a little patience until this final step is completed!

Meanwhile, here you have a sneak peek on what do our legionaries look like, once cast!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

New 1:144 Supermarine Spitfire Mk.I

'Yes I'm retired, I promise!'

Minairons' 1:144 aircraft range has just grown again with the addition of the iconic Supermarine Spitfire fighter, which is born thanks to the co-operation with Plane Printer designer via Patreon. It retails in box as a single piece DLP 3D-printed miniature, so requiring no assembly at all. Box reverse includes a short painting guideline for the Battle of Britain, North Africa, Malta and Europe.

The decals used on this painted sample have been taken from our Grumman FF-1/GE-23 set.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

New 1:72 Citroën C14 saloon car

'But, weren't you already retired?'

I'm happy to share the latest addition to our 1:72nd scale Interwar range: a Citroën C14 saloon car, which can be seen above painted in the Barcelona taxi cab colourful livery.

This new model is 3D printed in two parts, hull and cabin roof - so a little assembly is still required. The roof part is printed using a translucent resin, so as to allow eventual users the option to paint interiors while leaving transparent the window surfaces.

Worth to mention that this new model comes in four slightly different variants - depending on spare tyre location and eventual presence of foglamps - The precise variant is supplied randomly.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Retiring, finally

Well, retirement is a river everyone must cross, one day or another - and such day has arrived for me. I am (sad? pleased?) to announce that I'm going to retire from active work next weekend, after reaching 64 years old.

Then, an unavoidable question arises now for sure: what is going to happen to Minairons miniatures, once I am retired? Believe me that I've been asking to myself this very same question for several months now - and I'be been plainly unable to extract an ultimate answer yet.

Ideally, I'd love to see Minairons miniatures perduring in other hands, so I'm stating now my willingness to discuss the matter with any reliable third pary out there, with no preconditions. On the other side, I'm aware to have been cultivating a number of niche settings that not many other brands would happily assume as own. So I well-foundedly presume it as likely to receive few, if any, offers for our existing ranges.

Whatever the case, what I can assure you is that, in the short term, no one will notice the difference. As while as Minairons miniatures keeps staying in my retired man's hands, I'll be running it normally still for as long as necessary. Take it for granted, at least, for all what remains of 2024, with a strong chance for everything to stay the same well into 2025 - unless a convenient agreement with a third party is met first.

Not only this can be granted, but also the continuation of all projects scheduled for a next release (such as the SCW Foreign Legion, for instance), as well as those many already on the workbench.

Besides, both our main site and the affiliated minairons-news blog will be maintained and running normally too - and in fact I strongly recommend to all our friends to bookmark the forementioned blog, where I'll regularly keep posting forecasts, releases and news as usual.

So, despite my own imminent retirement, Minairons miniatures future is assured at a medium term. Stay tuned to minairons-news blog for upcoming, exciting news!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

New 1:100 scale towing van

I'm happy to share the latest addition to our 1:100th scale Interwar range: a Ford AA towing van, which can be also useful for SCW or even WWII settings - may it serve as a pressed into service civilian crane, or simply as a scenery piece.

It's already available at our website, as usual.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Foreign Legion, about to launch!

We've just put under pre-order status our next upcoming SCW 20mm miniatures set --the Spanish Foreign Legion, whose greens are already in foundry while their box art is being created. Unless something really bad happens before, we expect to have them ready and available by the end of June --or maybe early July.

This new boxed set will contain a total of 15 white metal figures: nine riflemen, two LMG crews sporting MG-13 Dreyse machine guns, and two NCOs armed with SMG.

Pre-order your legionaries set while the figure moulds are worked out! They can already be found at our website.

Friday, May 31, 2024

New Age of Sail naval flags

Here you have three fresh additions to our range of age of Sail naval flags, consisting from left to right of: the Dutch East India Company flags from 1630 to 1794 - showing a red upper stripe instead of orange as initially, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth war flags between 1568 and 1643 (when their fleet was destroyed by a Danish surprise attack, and never rebuit) and, last but not least, the Sultanate of Morocco war flags from 1666 until 1912 (when the French occupation put the Moroccan navy to an end).

Funnily enough, the white symbol centered in the Moroccan ensign was systematically misinterpreted by European travelers and port authorities, who always interpreted it to be... a taylor's pair of scissors! It wasn't until 1781 that a clever piedmontese official noted the flag represented two crossed white sabres on a red background. The man also failed to correctly interpret it as the famous zulfiqar two-bladed sword of Ali, but he at least got closer!