Just as announced some weeks ago, a first set of War of Spanish Succession 28mm flags has already been released, devoted to the catalan "Saint Eulalia" Infantry Regiment. This set stands as a DIN A7 sheet comprising both king's and regimental colours for the mentioned unit and can already be acquired from our website. This very same flagsheet has been edited for 15mm and 20mm too --albeit under a 3-months pre-order program. So that, depending on its final results, thse versions will be also paper printed, or otherwise commercialized as PDF files. They can be checked here: 20mm version and 15mm version, respectively.
That's not all though, for a second set is already on the way; this one devoted to the also catalan "General Deputation" Infantry Regiment --one of the senior units in Charles Habsburg's army. Once again, its 28mm version will be directly brought to printers while its smaller sisters have fallen into the above mentioned pre-order program. All them can be checked and eventually pre-ordered from the following links: 28mm version, 20mm version and 15mm version.