Friday, December 30, 2022

New 1:100 Sd.Kfz. 8 tractor


We are proud to share a new WWII model kit in 1:100th scale, the German Sd.Kfz. 8 tractor. Once again, this one is a DLP 3D printed model kit consisting of just two parts: main body and optional tarpaulin. This new product is born thanks to patronage via Patreon with the Ukrainian designer Panzer Printer.

Just a latest hour wish to all our kind followers and customers, for a prosperous and happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

1:144 Henschel Hs-123 dive bomber


Minairons miniatures' 1/144 scale SCW aircraft range keeps growing at a steady pace: this week it has seen the addition of Henschel Hs-123 (commonly nicknamed 'Angelito' in Spain). Operated by Germany, China and Spain, this robust, durable and resistant to severe weather biplane dive bomber saw continued front-line service until 1944.

Just as previous models in this range, our Henschel Hs-123 comes to life thanks to the co-operation with Plane Printer designer via Patreon. It retails in box as a single piece DLP 3D-printed miniature, so requiring no assembly at all. Box reverse includes a comprehensive painting guideline.

This is probably going to be our last announcement before Christmas weekend, so let me take advantage of this thread for wishing to you all a best Christmas Day. Enjoy it!

Monday, December 5, 2022

Cannone da 105/28, now for 15mm


I'm happy to show you our latest Spanish Civil War product at 1/100 scale: the Ansaldo Cannone da 105/28, widely used by Italy in WW2 and SCW.

Unlike its 1/72 scale counterpart, which is white metal cast in several parts to be assembled, this new cannon is DLP 3D-printed as a single piece, so requiring no assembly at all.

Monday, November 28, 2022

1:144 Hawker-Hispano 'Fury' fighter


I'm pleased to show our latest 1:144th scale Spanish Civil War aircraft, the Hawker-Hispano 'Fury' (perhaps better known as Spanish Fury). This elegant biplane won the 1935 contest to replace Nieuport 52 as the main fighter of Spain. However, the Civil War early outbreak prevented the Republican Air Force to have enough of them available.


Just as previous models in this range, our Hawker Hispano is born thanks to the co-operation with Plane Printer designer through Patreon. It retails in box as a single piece DLP 3D-printed miniature, so requiring no assembly at all. Box reverse includes a thotoughful painting schema.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Black Friday discount

Black Friday 2022 is nearly here!


We at Minairons miniatures have just made available a 10% off sale which is valid for all week long - that is, since right now until Friday 25th midnight (GMT+1). This sale does apply to all products in stock. You only need to enter code BLACKF2022 when checking out.

Come and visit us at! Sure you'll find there what you need.

Friday, November 4, 2022

1:144 Heinkel He-112 fighter

I'm delighted to present our latest 1:144th scale Spanish Civil War aircraft --the ill-known Heinkel He-112, main competitor to Messerschmitt Bf-109 for the 1933 Luftwaffe fighter contract. Despite losing the contest, small numbers of it were nonetheless used by Germany for a short time and several more were acquired by Spain, Hungary and Romania. Japan also purchased and used about a dozen He-112s before giving priority to the Mitsubishi A6M 'Zero'.


Just as previous models in this range, our He-112 is born thanks to the co-operation with Plane Printer designer through Patreon. It retails in box as a single piece DLP 3D-printed miniature, so requiring no assembly at all. Box reverse includes a painting schema and markings guide.


It is already available at Minairons' website. Hope you like it!

Monday, October 31, 2022

Notice to British customers

The enforcement of Brexit in matters of import/export between EU and UK has, without a doubt, had a huge impact on our consumption habits: in addition to the ever increasing transport costs, we have now the interference of Customs services - with the delays and taxes that their job entails.

For all those of our dear British customers who are rightfully worried by those growing drawbacks, I'm happy to acknowledge you have now McKeeman Models at your disposal for ordering Minairons Miniatures stuff within the UK.


Based in Dunfermline (Fife, Scotland), they have been performing as a retailer of Minairons' stuff from a long since, albeit focused mainly on our 1:72nd scale ranges so far. Despite of this, Stephen from McKeeman Models will be eager to take orders from other Minairons' ranges. As a matter of fact, they've already just imported some of our 1:100th stuff within their latest backorder.

McKeeman Models can be accessed via website (, eBay, Amazon and Facebook ( Do not hesitate to contact them if needed, for they will be happy to kindly assist you!

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Some downloads, and Newsletter #66 out

Once back from a short vacation, I'm pleased to announce release of a new issue of our e-Newsletter. For those not subscribed to it yet, that bulletin can be read from this installment on Minairons miniatures' Facebook page.


Also, I've taken advantage of those holidays for preparing a handful of gaming aids for free download, following recent requests from our friends in Reus' XXIXth RPG and Strategy Days and Montmeló's Xth Napoleonic & Black Powder Open. Such gaming aids consist of Catalan language versions of Quick Reference Sheets for Too Fat Lardies' Bag the Hun, Ganesha Games' Galleys & Galleons and Sam Mustafa's Maurice; as well as much needed Action Cards for SCW ambiented BtH.


None of these new gaming aids are Minairons' own products by any means, but just gaming accessories designed by myself as member of a local wargaming club. The above mentioned rulesets are property of their respective publishers, and their acquisition is still needed for gaming - they all are strongly recommended!

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Painting our Austrophile Grenadiers

Back from the Montmeló town Xth Napoleonic & Black Powder Open, and already on holidays (theoretically at least), I've been pleasantly surprised by another YouTube video tutorial from Minis, My Way, where the author takes an approach to our 1:72nd scale WSS Austro-catalan Grenadiers:

Don't they look terrific?

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Holidays week

Minairons miniatures website will be closed for holidays since today 12th until Friday 21st of October.


Apologies for eventual inconveniences, but this is a much needed vacation! - the only one we're going to enjoy this year...

Nevertheless, this Saturday 15thwe'll be attending the Xth Napoleonic & Black Powder Open of Montmeló town (Catalonia), where we're going to run a couple of demo games, as well as setting a small sale stand with some of our Black Powder era products.


This year favourites for a demo are Galleys & Galleons and (despite a bit out of period) Bag the Hun with SCW aircraft.

After this event, my beautiful wife and I are going to discreetly vanish for some days amidst the Pyrenees range steep valleys, in some place only known to minairons, dones d'aigua and other fairy beings ;)

Coming back soon!

Friday, September 30, 2022

1:100 Hispano Suiza T60 "Torpedo"


We've just released a further Spanish Civil War vehicle in 1:100th scale - the iconic Hispano Suiza "Torpedo" bus, several variants of which were extensively used as a transport by the Spanish Republic's Assault Guards police.

This new model kit is born thanks to our patronage to Panzer Printer Ukrainian designer through Patreon; it is sold as a single piece DLP 3D-printed miniature, so requiring no assembly at all.

Hispano Suiza "Torpedo" bus is already available on Minairons website.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

1:144 Messerschmitt Bf-109 fighter


I'm happy to share our latest 1:144th scale Spanish Civil War aircraft --the iconic Messerschmitt Bf-109 "Emil", that fought either under Condor Legion squadrons and Franco's Air Force, soon becoming the backbone of the Nationalist air superiority over Spanish skies.


Born thanks to the co-operation with Plane Printer designer through Patreon, this new model kit is sold in box as a single piece DLP 3D-printed miniature, so requiring no assembly at all. Box reverse includes a painting schema and markings guide.


It is already available at Minairons' website. Hope you like it!

Friday, September 16, 2022

15% de descompte Reus 2022

(Catalan language version)

Com ja vaig comentar uns dies enrere, enguany no podré muntar a les XXIX Jornades de Reus una paradeta de dimensions adequades sinó una de molt petita, degut a les activitats que hi duré a terme durant tot el cap de setmana.

Reus 2022

Per a mitigar aquesta mancança, ofereixo a tots els assistents la possibilitat d'adquirir productes de Minairons directament al nostre web, gaudint l'habitual descompte del 15% i sense despeses de tramesa - en el benentès que la comanda serà recollida a l'estatge de La Palma, en el decurs de les jornades.

El procediment a seguir és el següent:

1) Quan hàgiu finalitzat la compra i vulgueu fer-ne el checkout, introduïu el codi promocional "REUS2022" a la casella inferior dreta de la pantalla i premeu el botó "afegir" (fletxa vermella a la imatge següent):

Reus 2022

Veureu que immediatament després hom us hi aplicarà el 15% de descompte de forma automàtica (veure a la imatge següent l'abans i el després).

Reus 2022

Més endavant del procés de checkout, no escolliu tramesa per "Correos" sinó per "Minairons HQ" (cercle vermell a la imatge següent), i això us eliminarà automàticament les despeses de tramesa.

Reus 2022

Aquest descompte és vàlid fins el 15 d'Octubre, però en comandes posteriors al 30 de Setembre ja no s'hi aplicarà correu gratis, per la impossibilitat de lliurar-vos la comanda en mà.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Activitats previstes a Reus 2022

Aquestes són les activitats que Minairons portarà a les XXIX Jornades de Reus, els propers 1 i 2 d'Octubre:

Reus 2022

Never Going Home RPG
Joc de rol de terror i acció ambientat en la 1ª Guerra Mundial, publicat en anglès per Wet Ink Games, i traduït al castellà per Cursed Ink.
Data i hora: dissabte 16 h. 10 h.
Durada prevista: 3 - 4 hores
Nombre de jugadors: màxim 5
Requisits: jugadors/es majors d'edat (pot haver-hi escenes de gran cruesa, violència explícita i llenguatge rude)
Llengua: el DJ utilitzarà el català; els materials de suport són en català

Reus 2022

Galleys & Galleons
Joc de guerra naval amb miniatures, de la prolífica companyia italo-ucraïnesa Ganesha Games.
Tema de les partides: diferents demostracions ràpides de combat entre vaixells de vela, galeres mediterrànies i més.
Data i hora: dissabte 10 h. 16 h.
Durada prevista: 1 - 2 hores per partida
Nombre de jugadors: 2 per partida
Requisits: preferible que estiguin acostumats al joc amb miniatures
Llengua: indiferent, però els materials de suport són en català

Reus 2022

Bag the Hun
Joc de guerra aèria amb miniatures, publicat en anglès per la cèlebre companyia britànica Too Fat Lardies, autora de jocs tan coneguts com Chain of Command.
Tema de les partides: dues partides consecutives, ambientades a la Guerra Civil Espanyola; primer una escaramussa introductòria entre biplans, i després una gran batalla entre Messerschmitts i Mosques.
Data i hora: diumenge 10 h.
Durada prevista: 3 - 4 hores
Nombre de jugadors: 2 o 4
Requisits: preferible que estiguin acostumats al joc amb miniatures
Llengua: indiferent, però els materials de suport són en català

Podria haver-hi inscripció prèvia; es recomana contactar amb l'organització per a esbrinar-ho.

Monday, September 12, 2022

New WSS Portuguese flags


Our War of Spanish Succession infantry colours range has just expanded again, with a new set of Portuguese flags now - in 1:100th, 1:72nd and 1:56th scales altogether.

They all are already available at Minairons' website. Hope you like them!

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Reus 2022 (**)

(**Spanish language version)

A Minairons miniatures nos complace confirmar asistencia y participación a las próximas XXIX Jornadas de rol y estrategia que organizará la Asociación de Jugadores y Jugadoras de Rol de Reus (AJJRR) en las instalaciones municipales de La Palma, los próximos días 1 y 2 de octubre.

Reus 2022

Como novedad, este año aportaremos diversos juegos de participación y/o demostración, tanto de wargame con miniaturas como de rol (uno distinto para cada sesión: sábado mañana, sábado tarde y domingo mañana). Estamos pendientes de la organización per saber qué horarios se nos asignan, y entonces los daremos a conocer públicamente.

Ahora bien, estas activitades públicas nos requerirán un nivel de atención incompatible con atender un puesto de venta de las dimensiones de años precedentes, así que éste será mucho más reducido que otras veces. Sin embargo, estamos preparando una alternativa del estilo "collect & pick up", que os permitirá hacer pedido online en nuestra web (con los descuentos habituales y libre de gastos de correo, com si compráseis allí mismo), y pasar a recogerlo en mano durante las Jornadas.

¡Más detalles en breve!

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Reus 2022 (*)

(*English language version)

We at Minairons miniatures are pleased to confirm our attendance to the upcoming XXIX RPG and Strategy Days to be organized by Reus' Association of Role Playing Gamers at the municipal facilities of La Palma, on the next 1 and 2 October.

Reus 2022

As a novelty, this year we will be present on both days; and we're going to run some participation and/or demo games, both miniature wargaming and roleplaying related (a different one each session: Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning). We are awaiting timelines and schedules from the organizers, and then we will let you know these.

However, such public activities will require a level of attention likely incompatible with attending to a sales point the magnitude of previous years; so this will be smaller than other times. Do not worry, however, because we are preparing an alternative consisting of kind of a "collect & pick up" option, that should allow you to order whatever desired (enjoying the usual in-convention discount and postage costs free - as if you were actually buying there), and collect it by hand during the convention.

More details coming soon!

Reus 2022

(Catalan language version)

A Minairons miniatures ens complau confirmar la nostra assistència i participació a les properes XXIX Jornades de rol i estratègia que organitzarà l'Associació de Jugadors i Jugadores de Rol de Reus a l'equipament municipal de La Palma, els propers dies 1 i 2 d'Octubre.

Reus 2022

Com a novetat, enguany hi serem presents ambdós dies; i hi aportarem diversos jocs de participació i/o demostració, tant de wargame amb miniatures com de rol (un de diferent per cada sessió: dissabte matí, dissabte tarda i diumenge matí). Estem pendents dels organitzadors per saber quins horaris ens seran assignats, i aleshores us ho comunicarem públicament.

Nogensmenys, aquestes activitats ens requeriran un nivell d'atenció incompatible amb atendre una parada de venda de la magnitud d'anys precedents; aquesta serà, per tant, molt més reduïda que altres cops. No us amoïneu, però, perquè estem preparant una alternativa consistent en una mena de "collect & pick up", que us permetrà comandar allò que vulgueu al nostre web (gaudint del descompte habitual i sense despeses de correu, com si compréssiu allà mateix), i passar-ho a recollir en mà durant les Jornades.

Més detalls en breu!

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

1:144 Polikarpov I-16 fighter


We're expanding our range of 1:144th scale Spanish Civil War aircraft as fast as possible, this week with a real must for any respectable Republican force - the legendary Polikarpov I-16 fighter (nicknamed 'Mosca' by the Republicans and 'Rata' by the Nationalists). This was the first operational low-wing cantilever monoplane fighter with retractable landing gear, so introducing a revolution in fighter aircraft design.


Model kit itself is sold in box as a single piece DLP 3D-printed model, so requiring no assembly at all. It is inclusive of a pilot bust seated in cockpit.


This new model is born thanks to the co-operation with Plane Printer designer through Patreon, as already explained before.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

1:72 Barbastro tank released


It's finally available our latest announced Spanish Civil War AFV model in 1:72nd scale - the Barbastro tank, a handcrafted behemoth locally built in the Aragonese town where the thing takes its name from.


Model kit itself consists of just 8 parts, cast mainly in high quality resin - hull, tracks and turret along with its hatches, besides of a couple of white metal Hotchkiss MGs.


As said, this new addition to range is already available at Minairons website. Hope you like it!

Friday, August 5, 2022

1:144 Heinkel He-51 fighter


As already announced a few weeks ago, we're expanding rapidly our 1:144th scale SCW aircraft range, thanks to our patronage on Plane Printer designer through Patreon. Our latest model in this range is Heinkel He-51, supplied to Spanish Nationalists by Nazi Germany at the very start of SCW.


Aircraft itself is sold in box as a single piece DLP 3D-printed model, so requiring no assembly. Model design is inclusive of a pilot bust seated in cockpit.


Besides of the ultimate 1:144th model itself, our Heinkel He-51 website page website also shows a direct link to Plane Printer’s own 1:200th scale product page on Patreon, for if someone wants to have it printed by him(her)self.

Friday, July 29, 2022

1:72 Barbastro tank preview


I'm excited to share with you a sample of what's going to be our next Spanish Civil War 1:72nd scale AFV - the obscure, massive Barbastro tank!


Despite its larger than average size for a lightly armed tank, model kit is consisting of just six main parts, so standing still as a fast assembly one. Model is complete now, only awaiting before release a decision about weaponry to be taken.


The upcoming release of this new model will serve us to celebrate Minairons 10th Anniversary, that happens to be this very Summer! A huge thank you to everyone who has placed their trust in us. We hope to keep deserving that trust.


Monday, July 25, 2022

Bugatti type 59 racer, now in 1:72


Just as announced some weeks ago, the 1:72nd scale version of Bugatti type 59 vintage racer is available for purchase now.


Unlike its 1:100th scale sister, which is 3D-printed in one single piece, this larger version is resin cast and consists of just five parts --main hull and four wheels, besides of a white metal driver.


Our complete 1:72nd scale racing cars range can be checked on this page of Minairons website.

Monday, July 18, 2022

More Spanish naval flags

We've just released three new sets of Age of Sail 1:600th scale naval ensigns that span for over three centuries of Spain's history: those of 17th century merchants, 18th century East Indies and 19th century Navy. After these mentioned additions, our collection is now inclusive of seven different flag sheets solely from Spain - for a total of nearly 60 sheets belonging to a growing selection of seafaring nations, from late 16th century to Napoleon's times!

If curious, please check our current naval flags listing.

Monday, July 4, 2022

1:100 Bugatti type 59 racer


I'm glad to share our latest 1:100 scale Grand Prix racer release - that of the iconic Bugatti type 59 French racing car. This is our first DLP 3D-printed model in this range, so it's produced in one single piece - no assembly required, then. It can be already purchased from Minairons miniatures website.

Here below you have a painted sample from my own collection (not my best photo taking job, admittedly):



Its 1:72 scale version is nearly ready, too. Release is scheduled for within this month of July.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

WSS Savoy I.R. flags and guide

Savoy IR

Our War of Spanish Succession infantry flag set ranges keep expanding at a steady pace - at all scales altogether. This time, we've added to collection the flags of a further Two Crowns' Spanish unit: Savoy I.R., another senior regiment in the Spanish Army of that time.

Along with the individual Savoy I.R. sheets in 1:100th, 1:72nd and 1:56th that you can see in the photo above, we've also released a 3-unit flag sheet in 1:144th scale too, that contains the colours of Lombardy, Seas of Naples and Savoy Infantry Regiments.

Savoy IR

Along with the flags, I've also released a PDF guide on the subject for free download, as usual.