As said on our latest post, the IGC Sadurní d'Anoia tank wasn't approved for mass production, but its concept served for producing two more successful variants: a general purpose carrier and an artillery tractor. Quite logically, both are being designed alongisde with the main tank prototype --and will be brought to production within this year too. Here below you can see all three altogether --the tractor at front, the tank in background and the carrier at right.
From the very first design stages, we realized there would be too many version-specific parts for one single, multi-option model kit. As a consequence, we've finally decided to release separately each one of them, under the respective references of 20GEV001 (tank), 20GEV013 (carrier) and 20GEV014 (tractor) --all at 1/72 scale first.
It must be noted all three model kits will share the same decals sheet including not only real insignia and mottos historically applied on each vehicle, but also a few hypothetical markings else, aimed at giving an option for alternative, pulp-ish or dystopic settings such as VBCW (*). This is what the sheet will look like --the pink colour you can see is no colour at all, but just the varnish layer area depiction:
There is more, though. The artillery tractor version will include white metal
pilot and co-pilot, as well as a
Schneider 155mm gun! On the other hand, the general purpose carrier will include not only the above mentioned crewmen, but also four
Republican soldiers as seated passengers!
...and no, the series isn't finished yet.
(*) As many of you already know, Very British Civil War (VBCW) is a trademark owned by Solway Crafts & Miniatures and used with their kind permission.