We are pleased to announce the release of several decals and paper flags sheets at both 1:72nd and 1:100th scales. Our current full listing consists now of:
1:72nd scale
1:72nd scale
- 20GEC002 - waterslide decals - Panzer I ausf. A markings (German, KMT Chinese, Spanish Nationalist)
- 20GEC003 - paper flags - Spanish Republic Institutional flags (Spanish Republic, Basque & Catalan Governments)
- 20GEC004 - waterslide decals - Panzer I ausf. B markings (German, Hungarian, Spanish Nationalist & VBCW* BUF)
- 20GEC005 - waterslide decals - T-26 A & B markings (USSR, Finnish, Turkish & Spanish (both Republican & Nationalist)
1:100th scale
- 15GEC002 - waterslide decals - Panzer I ausf. A markings (German, KMT Chinese, Spanish Nationalist)
- 15GEC003 - paper flags - Spanish Republic Institutional flags (Spanish Republic, Basque & Catalan Governments)
- 15GEC901 - paper flags - Anarchist Militiae flags ("Roja y Negra" Column, CNT's "Castilla Libre", unknown British battalion)
- 15GEC902 - paper flags - Spanish Foreign Legion flags (1927 first flag re-used 1936-1938, 1931-1936 republican period, 1938 onwards)
- 10GEC904 - waterslide decals - Nieuport-Delage NiD-52 Republican markings (suitable for other early aircrafts)
- 10GEC905 - waterslide decals - Heinkel He-51 Nationalist markings (suitable for other early aircrafts)