Monday, June 24, 2024

Retiring, finally

Well, retirement is a river everyone must cross, one day or another - and such day has arrived for me. I am (sad? pleased?) to announce that I'm going to retire from active work next weekend, after reaching 64 years old.

Then, an unavoidable question arises now for sure: what is going to happen to Minairons miniatures, once I am retired? Believe me that I've been asking to myself this very same question for several months now - and I'be been plainly unable to extract an ultimate answer yet.

Ideally, I'd love to see Minairons miniatures perduring in other hands, so I'm stating now my willingness to discuss the matter with any reliable third pary out there, with no preconditions. On the other side, I'm aware to have been cultivating a number of niche settings that not many other brands would happily assume as own. So I well-foundedly presume it as likely to receive few, if any, offers for our existing ranges.

Whatever the case, what I can assure you is that, in the short term, no one will notice the difference. As while as Minairons miniatures keeps staying in my retired man's hands, I'll be running it normally still for as long as necessary. Take it for granted, at least, for all what remains of 2024, with a strong chance for everything to stay the same well into 2025 - unless a convenient agreement with a third party is met first.

Not only this can be granted, but also the continuation of all projects scheduled for a next release (such as the SCW Foreign Legion, for instance), as well as those many already on the workbench.

Besides, both our main site and the affiliated minairons-news blog will be maintained and running normally too - and in fact I strongly recommend to all our friends to bookmark the forementioned blog, where I'll regularly keep posting forecasts, releases and news as usual.

So, despite my own imminent retirement, Minairons miniatures future is assured at a medium term. Stay tuned to minairons-news blog for upcoming, exciting news!

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