Wednesday, January 22, 2014

15mm tank commanders by Peter Pig

Mr. Martin Goddard of Peter Pig has kindly let us arrive some samples of their newest products related to Spanish Civil War, within their Range #13. These are two tank commanders sets --one for the Republican side, the other for Nationalists-- that come in their usual 8 figures pack format, with 3 randomly mixed poses each.
Figures have been conceived not just as torsos, but as full bodies instead; thus allowing users to customize them at will, for their own purposes. For fitting a figuro onto one given tank, you just need to cut the figure at the size you require. These tank commanders do even include a stand, for if you need to display some out of the vehicle.
The new sets above can already be pre-ordered at Minairons Miniatures website. We'll have them in stock in a few days.

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