Tuesday, September 17, 2013

1/72 Republican Field Artillery

Schneider 155mm mod. 1917
We are happy to show you another set in our upcoming range of white metal 1/72nd figures. As the title itself suggests, it will be focused on the Schneider 155mm Howitzer mod. 1917, used by both sides during Spanish Civil War. Gun itself will be cast in high quality resin and will come in two different configurations.

On one side, the howitzer will be included into our upcoming IGC Sadurní Tractor set in travelling mode, along with an appropriate carriage.
Travelling mode
On the other side (and this is a real novelty) it will be part of a Republican Field Artillery set also including 4 white metal artillerymen and a tripod rangefinder, whose preliminary art concept by Juan G. Bautista of Xan Miniatures can be seen below:
Having into account the heavy amount of stuff we are currently working on altogether, we have provisionally queued both sets in the pipeline for February 2014 --with the more than likely prospect to having both substantially advanced in calendar, while our plastic + resin + metal mountain goes slowly clarified. Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

That's very promising! If it is not too late, could one of the crewmen actually _touch_ the gun please?

Soldadets said...

Mmmm... shall see what we can do.